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About Us

Hello, and welcome to our kitchen! We are Khulud and Yummy the Cat, a duo who find joy, comfort, and a little bit of mischief in the world of cooking. This blog is our cozy corner on the internet, where we share our culinary adventures, from the simplest of comfort foods to the most intricate traditional dishes.

A Lifelong Journey with Food

My journey with cooking started at a very young age. I was just 8 years old when I first wandered into the kitchen, driven by an insatiable curiosity about what my mom was doing. I would bombard her with endless questions about ingredients, techniques, and why certain things were done in certain ways. Looking back, I’m sure I was more of a handful than a help, but my mom’s patience and willingness to teach me laid the foundation for my deep love of cooking.

What fascinated me most were the endless possibilities that cooking offered. I could take a few simple ingredients and transform them into something completely new, something that could bring comfort and happiness to those who ate it. The kitchen became my playground, a place where I could experiment with flavors, textures, and techniques. Every meal was an opportunity to learn something new, to refine a skill, or to discover a new favorite dish.

Connecting with My Heritage

Cooking wasn’t just a way to satisfy my curiosity or fill my stomach; it was also a way to connect with my roots. My father played a significant role in this aspect of my culinary education. He was the one who introduced me to the rich and diverse world of Saudi traditional foods. Together, we would prepare dishes like Kabsa, Mandi, and Shawarma, each one a reflection of our culture’s history and traditions.

I loved learning about the different spices and ingredients that are central to Saudi cuisine. The warmth of cinnamon, the earthiness of cumin, the heat of black lime—each spice told a story, each dish carried with it a sense of identity. Cooking these dishes was more than just following a recipe; it was a way to honor my heritage, to keep alive the traditions that had been passed down through generations.

The Magic of ASMR Cooking

In my early 20s, I stumbled upon something that would forever change the way I viewed cooking: ASMR cooking videos on YouTube. For those unfamiliar with the term, ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) refers to the tingling sensation that some people experience in response to certain sounds. For me, it was the sounds of the kitchen—chopping, sizzling, stirring—that provided a sense of calm and relaxation.

ASMR cooking became a source of comfort during stressful times. I would watch videos of people preparing food, their movements slow and deliberate, the sounds crisp and soothing. It was like therapy, a way to unwind and focus on the simple pleasures of cooking. Inspired by these videos, I began incorporating ASMR techniques into my own cooking, finding joy in the rhythmic patterns and the gentle sounds of the kitchen.

Meet Yummy, My Furry Companion

Of course, no story about my kitchen adventures would be complete without introducing Yummy, my beloved cat. Yummy is more than just a pet; she’s my constant companion, my little shadow who follows me everywhere I go. She’s curious about everything I do, especially when it involves food. Although she doesn’t actually help with the cooking (unless you count watching intently from a safe distance), Yummy’s presence adds a special warmth to my kitchen.

Yummy has a knack for making herself part of the action. Whether she’s perched on the counter watching me chop vegetables or curling up in a corner while I knead dough, she’s always nearby. Her playful nature often leads to amusing moments—like the time she tried to paw at a rolling tomato or when she got a little too close to a bowl of flour. These moments, though small, remind me that cooking isn’t just about the end result; it’s about the experiences, the memories, and the joy that comes from sharing your space with those you love, even if they’re covered in fur.

Our Vision for the Blog

This blog is more than just a collection of recipes; it’s a reflection of my journey, my passion, and my desire to share the magic of cooking with you. My goal is to show you that cooking can be so much more than a chore—it can be an adventure, a creative outlet, a form of relaxation. Whether you’re an experienced cook or someone who’s just starting out, I hope to inspire you to embrace the joy of cooking.

You’ll find a variety of content here, from traditional Saudi recipes that honor my heritage, to ASMR cooking videos that offer a moment of calm in a busy day. I’ll also be sharing tips and tricks that I’ve learned over the years, humble creations born from experimentation, and stories from my kitchen that I hope will bring a smile to your face.

Join Us on This Culinary Adventure

Cooking is a journey, and it’s one that I’m excited to share with you. With Yummy by my side, we’ll be exploring new recipes, revisiting old favorites, and discovering the beauty in the simple act of preparing a meal. So, whether you’re here for the recipes, the ASMR sounds, or just to see what Yummy has been up to, we’re thrilled to have you join us on this culinary adventure.

Welcome to our kitchen, where chaos meets comfort, and where every dish tells a story.